Title: A Flat World
Author: Yusuf M. Adamu (PhD)
Author: Yusuf M. Adamu (PhD)
Publisher: Adamu Joji Publishers, Kano
Pages: 69
Reviewer: Adjekpagbon Blessed Mudiaga
If the ten definitions of poetry
propounded by Carl Sandburg (1878) are used as
yardsticks to classify Yusuf Adamu’s poetry volume titled A Flat World, one could say the seventh definition best describes Adamu’s
cosmological verses full with acres of anger.
Sandburg’s seventh definition of
poetry says “poetry is the harnessing of the paradox of earth cradling life and
then entombing it.” In this wise, as a
medical geographer cum poet, Adamu always employ different commendable instruments of geography
in his psyche, such as barometer, compass, wind vane, thermometer, rain-gauge,
telescope and so on, in investigating both local and
international political weather / cultural climates; and
voices out his observation in poetic garments.
Hence, in A Flat World, made up of 51 poems that span 69 pages of the volume, the
reader encounters various paradoxical situations that are
making the world a bitter place for many peace-loving people; due to bullies
on both the local and international topography and
socio-cultural spheres. Wondering why acrimony pervades human existence,
the author rhetorically welcomes the reader with
the first poem in the volume titled, Why Do We Fight?
Although, rhetorical questions don’t deserve answers,
Adamu generously provide answers in Why Do We Fight? as
follows: “Sometimes we fight / For sacred reasons / Sometimes we fight / To
emancipate ourselves / But at times we fight / For naïve and
selfish reasons / We fight to make life hard for others / We fight to make the world
a brutal place / But must we always
fight to have peace? / Isn’t there any other way? / Why must we always
Having set the ball rolling with
the aforesaid poem, the poet paints a
beautiful canvass of the hitherto peaceful Jos plateau in Nigeria, which has
suddenly become a theatre of concurrent genocide in recent times over the
years. Listen to Adamu in the poem titled The Jos Plateau I, where he
geographically, socially and resourcefully versify the region in a
Michelangelo-like artistic imagery thus: “Tin ores and
mines / Volcanic cones and dones / Crater lakes and ponds / Spring-water and
waterfalls / Escarpments and slopes / Fluvio-volcanic and
granitic hills / Spread on the table land / Nations of people / Biroms, Angas
/ Pyem, Mwhavul / Mada, Irigwe / Hausa, Fulani / Irish potatoes and
maize / Vegetables and fruits / Cool weather, fine scenery / Jos plateau / Land
of nature and nations.”
This versification of Jos by the
poet clearly shows that it is a place of multiple natural blessings. Who knows? Perhaps, Jos
is the original much talked about biblical Garden of Eden.
From the first two poems in the
volume already discussed, the reader is not surprised why Adamu
is so annoyed with the spate of quarrels, killings and
disunity among local, national and international folks in a
paradise earth created by God for human enjoyment. On this basis, the reader
could feel the author’s cup of thoughts winking with
worries at the brim of consciousness like a
traffic light.
Therefore, with
poems such as The Oro Trap; Ungrateful Brothers; Global Village; Arrogance; Prime Suspect; Injustice; Crumbling Blocks;
Filters; Strange Irony; Reciprocate With Love Not With Bombs; Branding; New Imperialism; Murder Is Murder;
Pretence; The Rich; Stature’s Ordeal; New Freedom; Hypocrites; Cowardice; The
Holocaust Card; Immigration Laws; Niamey; Baghdad; International Community;
Bushnization; The Migrants; Palestine; The World After Bush; Jos Plateau II, Gaza; Blind Hearts; Fuel Subsidy; and so on, Adamu expresses his unhappiness with
the systems of things going on in the world. This is in similitude with
some poems in Adjekpagbon Blessed Mudiaga’s Nightmares in Paradise
volume, which underline the thinking patterns of contemporary poets.
While conjuring metaphors, ironies,
innuendos, amongst other literary devices blended in the frying-pan of
sarcasm, Adamu’s poetry hisses with volcanic gases bombarding traitors and
oppressors gallivanting worldwide.
Moreover, in some lines, you could
feel the temperature of the poet persona’s emotion, eager to imprison every
global evil doer. The thermostat of his verses is full of brimstone, sulphur,
caustic soda, magma, monosaccharide and disaccharide, belching like an
angry anaconda, warning the real terrorists of the world,
spreading tongue like dark menacing winds.
In the light of the foregoing, one
could say the title of the volume, A Flat World, is a metaphorical microcosm of Jos as
an epic center symbol of the entire world,
where abundant milk and honey flows, but hatred, sorrow and
death are the ‘medals of joy’ some self-acclaimed
saints of universal authority shower on weaker people daily.
Despite all
the oppressive tendencies of the powers that be from the grassroot to
international level, Adamu rolls up every atom of his anger
from A Flat World into a ball of defiant hope in the book
last poem titled Our Spirit Has Not Broken!. In the epilogue poem, he
pays glowing homage to some personalities coupled with
prayer in the last line thus: “May Allah help us! Amin.”
Though no mechanical or
psychological noise was noticed in the book, there is need for the use of a
better legible font for the volume’s title (A Flat World) in the front
cover during re-impression. The font used in the current
edition’s cover is too blank, and there is also
no point writing El-Mina Castle simultaneously in the front
cover as it tends to confuse a first time observer of the book,
as regards the real title.
Adamu is a professor of Medical Geography at
the Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria. He has published numerous works in Hausa and
English languages.
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